Thursday, May 26, 2005


aquatic, originally uploaded by nfancie.

for illustration friday


Aravis said...

This was really interesting! Love the colors, too. :0)

Angelique said...

I love the drawing. It inspires me to try drawing more with Michael, the 2 year old, when I babysit today!

Anonymous said...

I love the colors ^^ a really interesting illo


Anonymous said...

such a neat idea!

nancy said...

so glad everyone likes my silliness
I will try to keep it up for the rest of the summer at least.

jenB said...

i love this as well. i would hang it on a wall!

Anonymous said...

How did you manage to draw a portrait of our new goldfish? I think Coll and Sean are calling her Angela, but I'm not positive. I'll send a picture so you can compare, but you nailed it, fish tank, plants exactly. Love,


nancy said...

you named your goldfish Angela? strange.