Wednesday, January 25, 2006


I am still being lazy about posting pictures. Too busy watching crappy episodes of law & order while I procrastinate my school work and try to piece together invoices for my job from an old calendar and deposit slips...mmm falsification of records (just kidding I will check with all my parents and my dated behavior logs before I print anything legal for billing/tax purposes)

This laptop will be the death of me. Remember the good old days when I would have to wander down the hall from the office to watch bad t.v. while writing papers? I would think about disabling the internet while I work if my profs weren't so enamored with blackboard and if the online article databases weren't so necessary. Maybe I need to set up some parental controls for myself. Caitlin seems to know what I am talking about, except her guilty pleasure expands beyond E! and blogs to facebook where all the (baby) undergrads hang out.


Angelique said...

You need to go back to old-fashioned dial up, and then you'll be so frustrated that you won't want to go on-line more than twice a week, which is what happened to me.

Alice said...

Hey! "Law and Order" is important!

Not that I've ever watched it.
What is it?

And before any smart arses say "it's a show about 'law', and 'order', genius" I will pre-attack with a mature and quick-witted retort:
"Shut up!"

Yeah. That'll show 'em...