Saturday, May 20, 2006


The waiting game sucks more so upon receiving a contract on a Saturday afternoon that says
salary shall be Class ____BLANK!, level ____BLANK!. That is not me self censoring. It is empty.
Its kind of hard to get a new apartment with a salary of BLANK LINES ________. And now I must continue to be tortured until Monday afternoon (at least) when I can call and leave a message for everyone and their supervisor, HR director, and their mothers to try to figure out how to fill in the ___s.


Angelique said...

How frustrating!

Anonymous said...

Hi. Miss you and love you.
By the way...I won at Hungry, Hungry Hippos. :)

Alice said...

Sounds like you're playing a round or BANKETY BLANK.

I expect Lilly Savage will appwar at any moment...

Hope it all gets sorted out soon, and just as Deborah said: miss you and love you.
