Here is the little kid clap I have heard the kindergartners at my school singing. The kids at my school tried to do it in groups of three at warp speed and then someone would inevitably smack someone else in the face and they would get all exasperated and try again.
slow part
ice tea clap clap clap lemonade clap clap clap coca-cola clap clap clap pepsi clap clap clap
double time
ice tea clap clap clap lemonade clap clap clap coca-cola clap clap clap pepsi clap clap clap
say (and do) the following
turn around, touch the ground, kick your boyfriend out of town
Well now that you know I expect you to go out and teach your friends and all the little girls on your block.
I am on summer vacation. No I am not working (in the making money sense). or volunteering, or doing much of anything. And the beautiful thing is I don't plan to. It is lovely. I am being a dork and watching lots of HGtv, and Food Network, and in between times cleaning my house, going out to lunch, and reading lots of books. Are you using GoodReads yet? You should be. I am using it to track books I read and ones people tell me to read. Its working out much better than the little slips of paper I usually use and then lose. I changed my phone number so if you know me and you don't have it send me an email. I may feel more inclined to write here now that I am not exhausted from hauling around small children, or worried about confidentiality issues. Not much confidentiality involved in cleaning floors while watching Hey Paula!, wow that's a trainwreck. If you need clarity in your own life. Someone to reassure you that life is not bad; 10 minutes of that show will make you feel like the most normal, most sane person on Earth.
This is my first week off. I foresee more time at the beach and I hope for more wine in the future.
Wine tastings anyone? Anyone in this case being Amy.